Horses Die Standing

In Horses Die Standing, Hanne Tyrmi explores the vulnerability that characterizes both society and the individual, an experience of barriers and loss, power and powerlessness. Tyrmi uses ideas of the body – as social and political reality – as a pivotal point in her work.

The extensive use of lead forms an expressive dramaturgy through the halls, as stages in a life cycle. The lead is folded, stacked, bent and stretched. Lead is soft and enveloping, impenetrable and toxic all at the same time. The first work on view is positioned on top of the stairwell, where lead-clad boulders pile up. A giant installation of lead-clad tree trunks hangs from chains in the ceiling in one hall, while an extensive collection of lead objects hangs from hooks on mobile steel racks in the other. There is a sense of precariousness and fragility around the large lead objects hanging in the space, with a potential for movement a constant presence. A poignant contrast is presented in the lower exhibition hall, with its monumental, closed lead curtain limiting the visitor’s movements.

The exhibition was curated by Kunstnernes Hus’ senior curator Ida Kierulf and is followed by a public programme and a Minigraph publication containing an introduction by Kierulf, a conversation between Hanne Tyrmi and art historian and critic Line Ulekleiv, as well as an essay by art historian and writer Marit Paasche. The exhibition was opened by Kari Veiteberg, Bishop in Oslo. (Bishop’s opening speech)

A large work produced for the exhibition, entitled Ten ways to stop your tears (2021), has been included in the collection of the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design of Norway.

Watch the documentary Horses Die Standing (2022)
Horses Die Standing
Exhibition Kunstnernes Hus (Oslo,Norway)

Van Etten

In dialogue with the exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus, the artist-run exhibition Van Etten showed the exhibition Confessions with Hanne Tyrmi. In contrast to Tyrmi’s monumental work at Kunstnernes Hus, an installation of patinated duvets will create a different and more intimate atmosphere in the gallery room.

Photos: Vegard Kleven

Watch the documentary Horses Die Standing

Directed by Kari Berge (2022)

Watch the film



– Klassekampen 28.01.2022 // En verden i oppløsning // Sara Hegna Hammer.

– Hadeland 28.01.2022 // Som kunstner blir du aldri pensjonist // John Egil Thorsløkken.

– D2 31.01.2022 // Det er ikke ofte Kunstnernes Hus vier hele huset til en enkelt kunstner // Regine Stokstad.

– Dagsavisen 02.02.2022 // Nordmarka midt i byen // Lars Elton.

– Kunstavisen 02.02.2022 // Om tyngdekraft og livskraft // Arve Rød.

– Aftenposten 03.02.2022 // Årets beste allerede? // Yngve Sikko.

– Morgenbladet 04.02.2022 // Hanne Tyrmis vemodige skulpturer utfordrer øyet og tyngdekraften // Espen Hauglid.

– Universitas 07.02.2022 // Blytung sorglindring // Harald Nordbø.

– Klassekampen 09.02.2022 // Det mystiske laboratoriet // Kåre Bulie.

– Document 13.02.2022 // Om døde hester og kunstnerisk blyforgiftning // Paul Grøtvedt.

– Kunstkritikk 23.02.2022 // Ingen tårer spart // Ragnhild Aamås.

– Kunsthåndverk 04.03.2022 // Som i en skala fra kaos til organisering // Maria Borg.

Minigraph Hanne Tyrmi

A book series by Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo (Norway), March 2022.
